
We want The Malnad Ultra to be a safe and fun experience for everybody and request all participants to be patient and sensitive to other runners, volunteers and race officials. While we know that distance runners are a special breed and understand runs and runners, we have published these rules and guidelines for your safety. We request all runners to review these rules carefully and fully abide by them. Failure to abide by these rules might result in a runner being disqualified and taken off the course at the discretion of the race officials. We assume that all participants have read this information prior to registration and participation in our event.

Registration & Fees

Your registration and fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. We are a not-for-profit event and are barely able to sustain costs for this event. Over 60% of our expenses are committed as advance to vendors on the day we announce registration! We will not refund registration fees, allow it to be transferred to other runners or move your registration to a future event of ours under any circumstances. In the event that you have registered and cannot make the event, think about it as a donation to a good cause – promoting trail running!

We will make an exception to our policy on cancellations and transfers and allow pregnancy deferrals for upto two years.

Race Official Decisions

Decisions taken by our Race Officials are binding and we request all runners to accept their decisions with respect. The Race Director’s decision is final and will overrule a decision taken by other officials.

Race Format

The Malnad Ultra is a continuous race. Once the race has started, the clock keeps running regardless of whether the runner is on the course or has taken a break. The official timing is displayed near the Start (also the Finish) line. We recommend that you sync your running watch to this time prior to the start.


All participants must be aware of the cut-off times for their event. Apart from the Start/Finish line, timing is also recorded at random points on the course. Specifically, the participant must note the intermediate cut-off times. If a participant misses a cut-off, it will result in a Did-Not-Finish (DNF), even if they reach the finish line within the overall cut-off time. 

Participants who have missed intermediate cut-offs will not be allowed to continue on the course. Our sweeper vehicles will collect such participants and bring them to the finish line.


A runner who has met all of the following requirements will be deemed a Finisher and will get an Official Timing Certificate and Finisher Buckle:

  • Started the Race, wearing an Official Bib in the front within the 15-minute window provided for Start Time
  • Passed all the Aid Stations on the Course
  • Passed over all the Timing Mats at published and random locations on the Course
  • Met all the Intermediate Cut-Off times published for their registered category
  • Met the Final Cut-Off time, (as per official chip-time) published in their registered category
  • Did not travel in an ambulance or any other vehicle during the race for any duration
  • Wore their Bib so that it is visible from the front at all times


A runner who did not meet any of the requirements for a Finish listed above will be deemed a Did-Not-Finish (DNF). Such runners will not be given an official timing certificate or finisher buckle. 

Please note that runners must complete their registered category. This means that a runner registered for the 100 Km category will not be deemed a 50K Finisher if they complete 50 Km within the cut-off time.


A registered participant who did not start the race will also be deemed a DNS.

Pulling Out

A runner can pull out of the race voluntarily, but, must do so at an Aid Station. They must remain there until an authorised Race Vehicle picks them up. Additionally, a runner may be asked to pull out by a member of the Medical Team or a Race Official. We request runners to respect these decisions because they are for your safety.

Personal Crew & Pacers

All runners will be supported by volunteers and officials provided by us. No personal crew or pacers are permitted. If you want to organise personal crew or pacers for yourself, please have them register for the event as runners and then they are welcome to perform the role of personal crew or pacers for you.

Dress Code

All runners must be dressed in appropriate shorts, singlets, T-shirts etc. Nudity or partial nudity could hurt the sensitivity of other runners and could result in disqualification.


Individual headlights (or suitable hand-held flashlight) are mandatory for runners running in the dark. This rule applies to the 100K runners only since the 30K and 50K runners will finish in daylight. Runners are requested to ensure that they have sufficient batteries on them for the headlights. Runners can use the drop bags provided to plan for headlights, batteries etc. A runner not wearing a headlight in the dark will be pulled out of the race and awarded a DNF. Mobile phones will not be permitted as a substitute to a Headlight or Flashlight, nor will a group of runners be allowed to share lights.

Health Checks

A member of our Medical team may request a runner to submit for a medical check at any point during the run. Based on the evaluation of the medical staff, a runner may be allowed to continue or will be pulled out of the run. Runners are requested to accept their decision.

Drugs, Liquor and Substance Abuse

Runners who use drugs, narcotics or other banned substances as determined by the medical staff will be disqualified and awarded a DNF. Liquor is not permitted on the course.

Zero Tolerance for Harassment

We want our participants to enjoy the Malnad Ultra experience. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any kind of harassment towards any fellow participant or volunteer. Complaints related to harassment will be dealt with immediately and will result in disqualification and formal charges with local police authorities.

Non-Indian Citizens

All non-Indian citizens will have to provide a photocopy of the front, back and Indian visa pages of their passport showing their photo identity and details of passport prior to starting the run. This is a security requirement from local authorities.


The Malnad Ultra is organised by GIREM (Global Initiative for Restructuring Environment and Management), Bangalore. By registering for The Malnad Ultra, you accept the following terms and conditions:

  1. You are registering for this event voluntarily and of your own accord
  2. You are 18 years of age or older on the date of our event start
  3. Given the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, you are responsible for your own safety. The organisers will not take any responsibility should you or any other person at the event with you contracts Covid-19 before, during or after the event.
  4. You accept complete responsibility for any physical or mental personal injury caused during the event, or while on the premises of the event
  5. We reserve the right to pull any runner off the course before or during the event at any stage if we deem that the runner is medically unfit or for any other issue as we deem fit. No refund will be provided in under any circumstances
  6. By registering for this event, you agree to allow medically qualified personnel to administer any medical treatment(s) that they deem fit during the event or while you are at the venue
  7. You will not transfer your registration to any other individual. You will show an original Government provided ID (Driver’s License, Passport, AADHAR, PAN, EPIC Voter ID or other Government Employee ID) on demand. Failure to do so may result in you not being allowed to participate in the event.
  8. You will sign our Indemnity Form prior to receiving your Bib. 
  9. There will be no refunds under any circumstances
  10. The organisers reserve the right to cancel, postpone or delay the event due to any circumstances beyond our control and at our discretion.
  11. The organisers reserve the right to change the route during the event due to any unforeseen weather or other situations that arise after the event has started
  12. Your personal information will only be used by us and used for any communication in relation to this event
  13. You grant us, and any third parties authorised by us, complete and irrevocable rights to all images or videos during the event or at the venue. You also give us rights to use these images or motion videos, that may contain you, in any future material in electronic or other form that we create for this event.
  14. If your communication address, email or mobile contact information changes, it is your responsibility to inform us via email
  15. You understand that there are medical risks associated with running events such as this. It is your responsibility to obtain medical advice before you participate in this event. You also understand that the terrain and the region could pose risks that could lead to injury or death. You will not hold the organisers, our partners, race officials and volunteers responsible for any loss physical or otherwise.
  16. The Malnad Ultra is held in an area that is is remote and close to Wildlife Sanctuaries. Participants could encounter small wildlife like hares, deer, porcupines etc. The area and the course is a habitat for a variety of snakes. Though remote, it is not inconceivable that runners encounter other large animals including elephants and big cats. While the organisers will do their best to take adequate precautions, the runners will not hold the organisers, hosts, owners/management of the coffee estates or anyone else responsible for any injuries or incidents, including death.
  17. You understand that the 100K event will require you to run in the dark at night. You are responsible for your own headlight/flashlight and you understand the organisers are not responsible to light up the course.
  18. The Race Director’s decision is final and binding in all situations. You will agree to cooperate with race officials, volunteers and other personnel during the event