Aid Stations

Our aid stations will be spaced at intervals of 6-10 kilometres and will carry a selection of snacks and hydration. In addition to water and Unived electrolytes, we carry a selection of biscuits, salt, sugar, peanuts, fruit etc. There are suffiicient options for vegans. We do not use any single-use non-biodegradable material on our course and participants must use their hands or carry their own napkins, spoons etc. on them. Additionally, we will provide a few Water Stations where there are long intervals between Aid Stations, mostly because we cannot take vehicles to these points.

Basic first aid and waste bins are available at all Aid Stations.

This is a tough course and conditions are unpredictable. It is mandatory for all participants to carry at least one water bottle on them throughout the run. We strongly recommend that participants fill up their bottle at every opportunity. The #1 medical emergency on our course is dehydration and this is a serious safety issue for us!


The following are approximate locations for your guidance and will be fine-tuned closer to event day.

30K Category 50K Category 100K Category
Start/Finish Area KM 0, 30 KM 0, 50 KM 0, 50, 100
Aid Station 1 KM 6.5 KM 6.5 KM 6.5, 56.5
Water 1 KM 11.5 KM 11.5 KM 11.5, 61.5
Aid Station 2 KM 16 KM 16 KM 16, 66
Water 2 KM 20 KM 20 KM 20, 70
Aid Station 3
(Light Food)
KM 26 KM 26 KM 26, 76
Aid Station 4 KM 30.5 KM 30.5, 80.5
Water 3 KM 35 KM 35, 85
Aid Station 5 KM 38 KM 38, 88
Aid Station 6 KM 45 KM 45, 95



Our food is simple South-Indian fare and we will do our best to serve it hot! We strive to be a zero-waste event and therefore use resuable or bio-degradable food containers. Participants will have to use their hands to eat and will have to organise their own containers if they wish to carry food with them on the course. Please note that all waste must be disposed off responsibly at an Aid Station or in Bins provided. We will disqualify participants that dispose waste on the course!

Race-Day Breakfast (all participants)

Timings: November 23, 5:30 a.m – 7:30 a.m

Location: Start Area


    • Upma (Khara Bhath)
    • Shira (Kesari Bhath)
    • Bread Sandwiches with Tomato, Cucumber and Cheese
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Banana
    • Tea/Coffee

Race-Day Lunch (all participants)

Timings: November 23, 11:30 a.m – 5:30 p.m

Location: Start/Finish Area


    • Bisi Bhele Bhath
    • Curd Rice
    • Potato or other Bhaji
    • Tomato and Cucumbur Salad
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Fruit/Sweet
    • Tea/Coffee

Timings: November 23, 11:00 a.m – 2:30 p.m

Location: Approximately 26K mark


    • Bise Bhele Bhath
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Fruit/Sweet

Dinner (100K participants only)

Timings: November 23, 6:00 p.m – November 24, 4:00 a.m

Location: Start/Finish Area


    • Veg Pulao
    • White Rice & Sambhar (Veg Curry)
    • Curd Rice
    • Rasam (Soup)
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Sweet (Dessert)

Timings: November 23, 6:00 p.m – 10:30 p.m

Location: Approximately 76 Km mark


    • Veg Pulao
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Fruit